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2 Suggestions for source of income

Started by kevinmuic 2013-10-07 at 22:25
1 replies to this topic
Posts: 32
1. Add Grid Game

This will be another great source of revenue for the site.

The chance of winning the grid can be adjusted in relation to the profitability of the site.

2. Static Banner

I see YouGetProfit banner there most of the time. Why not do something like ----> bidding?
Like you start off the price low (let's say $5 a day) and people got to bid for their space on a particular day.
The bidding cut off time could end like 5 minutes before server time reset and the new Static Banner ad could be placed there for 1 day. The person with highest bid got the space.

I'm not sure sure PTC Evolution script would support this
« Last Edit: 2013-10-07 at 22:35 by kevinmuic »
Posts: 342
Quote: kevinmuic
1. Add Grid Game

This will be another great source of revenue for the site.

The chance of winning the grid can be adjusted in relation to the profitability of the site.

2. Static Banner

I see YouGetProfit banner there most of the time. Why not do something like ----> bidding?
Like you start off the price low (let's say $5 a day) and people got to bid for their space on a particular day.
The bidding cut off time could end like 5 minutes before server time reset and the new Static Banner ad could be placed there for 1 day. The person with highest bid got the space.

I'm not sure sure PTC Evolution script would support this

You have good suggestion always.
Thank you kevinmuic!

Rest assure, I`ll mention this in our monthly meeting this October.


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