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New features soon?

Started by Beljalex 2014-04-04 at 17:48
17 replies to this topic
Posts: 58
Received: $319.33000
Balance: $189.66515
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As we can observed in the last weeks most of the time we have earned less than 0.5% daily with our share packs. In March our average earnings were 0.46%.

For me, from mid-November to 31 December 2013, my average daily earnings were 7.40$ (including referrals' commissions) and in 2014 are lowering each week (daily avg in March: 3.39$ and this week: 1.56$).

I just want to know what intends to do the team of YGP for enhancing the program and our earnings. I am looking forward to know more about your future plans.

YGP is great program with trusted Admin, an amazing support to members and instant payments but number of members isn't growing quickly. It looks like YGP is stalling. Hope I am wrong. I want to be a member of YGP for years because I've always been satisfied except with my earnings lowering weekly.

Now that security and server problems are fixed I think add some features to attract new members and make current members more confident and active would be necessary.

Posts: 2
Posts: 10
the best system for shares was this one you had at it possible to do it here?and add it back at twickerz. thanks!!!
« Last Edit: 2014-04-05 at 12:23 by kounelaki »
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I think with lower share earnings, more members will have incentive to go out and get referrals in order to make income from referral clicks. Maybe this will be more beneficial to us. I am planning to start referring again once my share count reaches 100 (I'm at 74 now) since I need to upgrade to buy more shares at that point.
Posts: 58
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That's right, referrals are great but if we want them to stay here earnings must be worthy. If not the won't stay neither buy share packs. That's what is happening with my own referrals, they stop to buy share packs and they quit YGP to go to other sites to earn more with their money. Yesterday earnings were 0.23%!!!

May be these sites aren't as trustable as YGP but if we don't earn enough here, we'll take a chance elsewhere. I would be sad if it happens...
« Last Edit: 2014-04-05 at 22:31 by Beljalex »
Posts: 33
I would like to see more features to earn.
Ad shares + PTSU are good but more is needed
to attract members to join and invest and grow profits.
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Dear friends, a good site like this need good members too.

Earnings are splitted equally, so we should see ourselves as part of the team and work hard to refer new members. High numbers of clickers means more sellings in advertising (and not just shares).

Be positive, and let's lead this site to the elite .
Posts: 154
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Where is all the money going? I think part of the problem is people are more interested in taking money out than to reinvest it to keep the site healthy. We need to realize that for those that own shares, this is like your business too. If you are taking money out all the time you are starving the site of vital cash flow and your business will suffer. If you are taking out more than 50% of your earnings, then maybe you need to ask yourself if you are part of the solution or part of the problem. I'm not trying to lay a guilt trip. After all, it is your money and I would not begrudge you that, but those lower earnings percentages hurt us all and discourage new investors
Posts: 58
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Referrals: 37
You're right about members who need to be active also and not retrieve too soon their earnings. But I see that many members (in all kind of PTC, revenue share or other type) don't really take time to think about their aim in joining a site and the strategy to achieve it.

I do reinvest my earnings since the beginning and didn't yet achieve my ROI. But when I see so low earnings I am wondering about the future of YGP and it would be a shame if this site had to close.

Yes I agree members has to be active (reinvest, promote, etc.) but Admin of YGP too for enhancing the program.

Hope we'll see a better situation soon.
Posts: 44
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That's why I withdraw only my commissions from DR .

My deposits are still rolling inside and soon I'll make other investment here.

Another important thing is forum activity. New visitors and users must see our complete trust in this program. If we show ourselves worried by an uncertain future, it could be demotivating for new potential investors.

So less worries and more testimonials, bros!!


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